Terms and Conditions

last updated: September 29, 2020

A user (you) of the Ecofic Learning web site, a service of Ecofic Learning, LLC, agrees to use the site at their (your) own risk. While Ecofic Learning does not condone improper conduct, users of the Ecofic Learning web site (you) agree that Ecofic Learning LLC is not responsible for any posted content. The content posted on Ecofic Learning is provided "as is" on an "as available" basis. Ecofic Learning, LLC makes no guarantees related to the accuracy, availability, or security of the Ecofic Learning web site or its content. In addition to these stipulations, you also agree to the following terms and conditions when using this site.

  • You may not use Ecofic Learning, a service of Ecofic Learning, LLC, for any illegal activities.
  • You will comply with your local laws when using this site.
  • You will not attempt to crack, hack, or use Ecofic Learning in any malicious manner.
  • You are responsible for all content that you submit. This content includes, but is not limited to, data, information, personal information, and text.
  • You will not submit crude, vulgar, lewd, or other inappropriate content.
  • You may not store a local cache, beyond the browser, of data created, stored, or managed by Ecofic Learning.
  • You will only use content or data hosted by Ecofic Learning through applications distributed by Ecofic Learning, LLC.
  • You may not impersonate another Ecofic Learning user.
  • You must be older than 13 years of age to use Ecofic Learning.
  • You acknowledge that submitting information may broadcast your location.
  • You will make reasonable attempts to submit accurate information.
  • You are responsible for all charges associated with using Ecofic Learning (www.ecofic.com) and Ecofic Learning apps.
  • Web sites, pages, properties, or other services that refer to content or data hosted by Ecofic Learning, must provide a link to the content on Ecofic Learning.

Your account will be terminated if any of these terms or conditions are violated. In addition, Ecofic Learning, LLC reserves the following rights.

  • Ecofic Learning, LLC reserves the right to change or shutdown the Ecofic Learning service at any time. This can occur without notice and for any reason.
  • Ecofic Learning, LLC reserves the right to change these Terms at any time. A user (you) will not be notified if changes occur.
  • Ecofic Learning, LLC reserves the right to refuse service to anyone, for any reason, at any time.
  • Ecofic Learning, LLC reserves the right to remove any Content for any reason.

If you want to know what data is collected and how that data is used, please review the privacy policy. If you believe some content should be removed from Ecofic Learning, we encourage you to contact us. If you believe some content should be corrected on Ecofic Learning, we also encourage you to contact us.